Pattern File Or Scan Engine Update
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Official IRC Channel - #reddit-sysadmin on Official Discord -. Here's the latest banner message: December 6, 2016: Trend Micro received several customer reports of a false alarm (FA) detection on what is believed to be a file related to Microsoft SharePoint: “initstrings.js” with the detection name of JSNEMUCOD.SMAA15 using the Official Pattern Release (OPR) of 12.941.00. As of 15:15 GMT, Trend Micro has removed OPR 12.941.00 from our global ActiveUpdate (AU) servers and is in the process of uploading a rollback version of the last known good pattern file (12.943.00). The Global Smart Scan version of 12.943.00 is available now (as of approximately 15:40 GMT) and the conventional version of the pattern is estimated to be available by 17:00 GMT.
Also viewable here: I can confirm that the latest pattern update has resolved our issues. Hi, got an official statement. The submitted file initstrings1.js (17,648 bytes) is verified to be non-malicious. The file does not contain any malicious code or perform any malicious routine.
The pattern JSNEMUCOD.SMAA15 is currently under modification to exempt the file is still under QA processing. We will update you as soon as it has been released. Bandage Pattern (12.941.01), which will temporarily address your case is provided from our FTP server. Uploaded it to my box account: and here is how to apply this pattern:. Thank-you all for the great links to great resources. Here are our steps for anyone that has to write out a 'plan' for Senior mgmt:. Rollback Trend Pattern file from 12.941 to 12.939 on Trend server.
Push rollback pattern file to all servers/workstations. Verify Updated pattern file on SharePoint server.
Restore quarantined file on SharePoint server. Test scan file on SharePoint server.
Pattern File Or Scan Engine Updates
Verify updated pattern file on local workstation(s). Test SharePoint on local workstation(s). Case closed. To the guys white listing the file, Please ensure to remove this asap. Initstrings is a common name for javascript files and Trend absolutely advise against it. I too would advise against this course of action, yes it will fix it for now, but then opens you up to a whole world of pain. We just rolled back the definition until tonight when 943 is released.
Sadly however it takes a while for this to propagate to the clients and we still receive malware alerts. If (like us) you need to provide customers with an official statement, I recommend opening a support case with Trend and they will email it to you when the official statement is released. Now writing up the report for it. Dis gon' be good!
Note: The (UISO) recommends that you run the latest version of Symantec virus protection software (available to IU students, faculty, and staff free of charge via ) for your operating system; See Be sure to upgrade safely, update your virus definitions daily, and scan your computer weekly. Check the software help for instructions. Windows To check which version of SAV/NAV/Endpoint is installed on your computer:. In Endpoint, from the Help button (in earlier versions, the Help and Support button), select About., and your version number will be listed in the resulting window.
In SAV, in the right panel of the main window, beneath 'Program versions', you will see 'Program' and 'Scan engine' version numbers. In NAV, from the Help menu, select About Norton AntiVirus or, in the About Norton AntiVirus window, select the Norton AntiVirus tab.
To check the date of your virus pattern files:. In Endpoint, in the center of the main window, beneath 'Virus and Spyware Protection' (in earlier versions, 'Antivirus and Antispyware Protection'), you will see the date and version number of your virus/antispyware definitions file. In SAV, in the right panel of the main window, beneath 'Virus Definition File', you will see the version number and date of your virus definition file. In NAV 2000, from the Help menu, select About Norton AntiVirus, and then click System Status (this is probably the default selection). To the right, beneath 'Norton AntiVirus Status', you will see the age of your virus definitions. In some older versions of NAV, you will find the status of your virus definitions listed in the main NAV window. If this information is not readily apparent, click Help, and then About Norton AntiVirus.
Pattern File Or Scan Engine Updates
You should then see the status of your virus definitions, along with your NAV version number. Mac OS X To check which version of SAV/NAV/Endpoint is installed on your Mac:. In your Applications folder, locate the Symantec or Norton AntiVirus application you have installed on your Mac. Right-click, or hold down the Control key and click on the program icon. Then, select Get Info from the context menu. In the 'General' section of the Info window, you'll find the version number of the application.